Arctic Kettle Cart B-B-Q Grill - KitchenAid Store

Arctic Kettle Cart B-B-Q Grill<br />

Arctic Kettle Cart B-B-Q Grill
From Arctic

Get ready to assemble over 100 ill-fitting pieces (frame, slats, screws, washers, handles) - it took me more than 3 1/2 hours & I'm a good assembler - to put this piece of junk together. The wood shelf slats were misdrilled and very difficult to fit on the frame. The plastic vent covers on the hood melted the first time I used the grill. The "chrome-plated" legs & frame rusted after the first rain. Even the "stainless" kettle got discolored and spotted after the first use.
Altogether, the lack of quality was depressing - stick with Weber grills - they last longer & look better.
There is one good feature - you use the ash-catcher as a chimney-style fire-starter by stuffing a sheet of newspaper inside, but the cons definitely outweigh the pros...

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Tag : Arctic Kettle Cart B-B-Q Grill,KitchenAid Store