Breville BJE200XL 700-Watt Compact Juice Fountain - KitchenAid Store

Breville BJE200XL 700-Watt Compact Juice Fountain

Breville BJE200XL 700-Watt Compact Juice Fountain
From Breville

The stabilizing knife centers the fruits or vegetables over the cutter and filter to increase yield by 30%. This makes it 10 times faster than other juice extractors. The patented dual centered knife system minces fruits and vegetables into minute particles and forces them against the mesh filter for speed and maximum yield. The easy to clean internal pulp container is simple to assemble with the durable stainless steel base and makes 1.5 quarts of juice before needing to be emptied. The 750-watt motor spins the filter basket at 14000 RPM, extracting an 8 ounces glass of juice in 5 seconds.

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Tag : Breville BJE200XL 700-Watt Compact Juice Fountain,KitchenAid Store