Mr. Coffee CBTU45 45-Cup Stainless Steel Urn - KitchenAid Store

Mr. Coffee CBTU45 45-Cup Stainless Steel Urn<br />

Mr. Coffee CBTU45 45-Cup Stainless Steel Urn
From Mr. Coffee

I had this item on my wish list because I thought the price was great ($64). Later, I looked at it on my wish list and suddenly the price was $89. I almost took it off my list, but figured perhaps the price would go back down. So, just now I was literally getting ready to actually order the thing (when I saw the price was $64 again). I decided to check out the "larger image" first. When I went back to "regular view" again, the price was suddenly $71! Sheeesh ... I know prices will change here and there, but this is RIDICULOUS!!!! What's UP, Amazon???!!! How can an item's price change so much with such discrepancy??? Perhaps I'll wait and see if the price ever goes back to $64--or, hey, maybe it ALREADY HAS in the time it took me to type this ...????

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