Hamilton Beach 70800 Change-A-Bowl Multi-Bowl Slicer/Shredder - KitchenAid Store

Hamilton Beach 70800 Change-A-Bowl Multi-Bowl Slicer/Shredder

Hamilton Beach 70800 Change-A-Bowl Multi-Bowl Slicer/Shredder
From Hamilton Beach

I have owned 2 of these and love them. They are awesome and I have had so many friends ask where I found it. It's the best appliance I have ever used for grading cheese. It dosen't take up too much space and it's easy to clean.
The only problem with it is that it dosen't last long. The two I have owned lasted less than 1 year and then they started to smell like melting plastic and then the blade stopped turning. I did use each one at least 2-3 times a week.
I am ordering another one only I am keeping the box and reciept together so that I can take advantage of the warranty this time.

Shopping Now!!!

Tag : Hamilton Beach 70800 Change-A-Bowl Multi-Bowl Slicer/Shredder,KitchenAid Store,Hamilton Beach